Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Best Way To Workout For You

As we discussed in a previous post, setting your fitness goals is the first and most important step in choosing a workout plan. Its importance lies in the fact that for a workout to be effective and give you the results that you are looking for, it must be gear towards achieving your specific goals. So here I'm going to give you the general rules you need to follow in your workout plan in order to achieve whatever goals you are looking for.

1. If what you want is to do strength training (get stronger and lift heavier weights):

  • Lift heavy, around 85% to 95% of your max
  • Take long rests between sets, between 2-4 minutes to fully recuperate
  • Do no more than 5 repetitions
  • Do between 4-6 sets 
  • Around 3 times a week
These rules will also make your muscles grow. However, their main focus is on strength.

2. If you are doing hypertrophy training (have big and defined muscles like a bodybuilder):

  • The key here is to put the muscle under a lot of time under tension. Therefore the repetitions must be slow and controlled
  • The weight must only be about 75% of your max
  • Do from 10-15 repetitions
  • Do between 2-3 sets
  • Do not allow yourself more than 90 sec rest in between sets 
  • Give each muscle around 4 day to recuperate
These rules are focussed in building bigger and leaner muscles. Due to the high volume of repetition, it will make your body burn more calories. 

3. If what you want is to loose weight:
  • Very low weight, less than 50% of your max
  • More than 15 repetitions
  • Less than 60 seconds rest intervals
  • Do more than 5 times a week

There you go people, apply these to your workout plans, and reach those goals that you want to reach.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Top Ten Advocare Products

1. The 24-Day Challenge Bundle
The best way to lose weight in a healthy way. It cleans you body, gives you all the nutrients and energy you need, and it will for sure make you lose fat.

2. Spark Energy Drink
It gives you vitamins, long lasting energy, quick energy, and focus. Great for the morning and before working out

3. The Catalyst
It's and amino acid supplement, which helps you maintain muscle while losing fat. 

4. The MNS (any)
The Metabolic Nutrition Systems helps you target your specific weight management challenges. It also gives energy, good nutrition, and it boosts your metabolism

5. Meal Replacement Shake
24 grams of protein, 5-6 grams of fiber. 26 vitamins and minerals and only 220 calories, and it contains 50% of the daily value of calcium

6. Herbal Cleanse
Helps rid the body of toxins and waste, supports improved digestion and thorough internal cleansing, provides 10 grams of fiber per day, helps remove impurities from the body, and supports healthy weight loss

7. Rehydrate
Helps the body stay hydrated during physical activity, provides a full spectrum of crucial electrolytes for improved electrolyte balance, includes amino acids to help feed your muscles, fuels your body with carbohydrates for energy production and sustained muscle endurance, contains antioxidants to fight free radicals commonly produced during exercise, and helps prevent cramping during and after exercise

8. OmegaPlex
Supplies 1,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per serving, contains both EPA and DHA fatty acids, plays an important role in the transportation of nutrients, helps support normal blood flow and healthy blood pressure,, promotes cardiovascular health in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, helps promote healthy metabolism, helps maintain a healthy immune system, and promotes maintenance of healthy skin, hair and nails. Dr. Oz recommended it.

Helps maintain normal beneficial intestinal microflora, supports healthy intestinal function, enhances weight management, improves nutrient absorption, aids in good digestion, provides immune system support, and helps relieve symptoms of occasional constipation.

10 ThermoPlus
Supports the body's ability to convert fat into energy, promotes a healthy metabolism, helps suppress appetite, and contains oolong tea and sage extracts to support weight loss.


Best energy drink? Advocare Spark Review

Advocare against competition

Nowadays you can find energy drinks pretty much everywhere you go. They come in different flavors, sizes and prices, and people seem to love them all. The idea of drinking something that will wake you up and give you the necessary energy to workout or simply get through your day, is just great. However, many of these drinks are loaded with sugar, caffeine, taurine, calories, and carbohydrates. And even if the drinks are great and do the job, it just doesn't seem healthy to drink them. Well, that is where Advocare Spark steps in. I have not tried a healthier and more effective energy drink out there. It is fuel with more vitamins than any other energy drink, less caffeine and taurine than most, and it is only 45 calories. In my home, my wife was a huge fan of the Monster Energy Drink and was stubborn about trying any other energy drink. She thought no other energy drink could give her the same energy. Well, I made her try the Spark, and she loved it. It waked her up even faster than the Monster, it didn't give her the jitters, and it made her feel focus an energized for hours. Spark is sugar-free, it has more than 20 vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and it is only 45 calories. Most importantly, unlike the other energy drinks, Spark displays all the nutritional facts you want to know in their canister and pouches.

The way it works is pretty easy, the caffeine and the taurine gives you the fast energy kick that you are looking for, while the B vitamins give you the long-lasting energy by enhancing your body's ability to produce and sustain energy. They also enhance the metabolism and makes your body use the calories stored for energy. Finally, Spark also gives you mental focus with the neuro-active amino acids (like L-tyrosine) it contains. These amino acids support your brain's ability to receive and send messages to and from the nervous system. Some of them also serve as precursors for neurotransmitters. So, in simple words, Spark gives you a lot of vitamins, quick energy, long lasting energy, and mental focus.


Besides all these, there are some other things about the Spark that makes it better than the rest. I personally love the fact that it is not carbonated because it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable when I take it before working out. I also like the fact that it doesn't make me feel jittery, and since it is so full of vitamins, it doesn't make me feel a strong crash when the effects are over. The fact that it is dissolved in water is great too, since it doesn't give the feeling of a sticky and dry mouth, and it makes it easier for the body to absorb the vitamins. At last, I love the energy and focus that it gives. It is just amazing how focussed it makes me feel, so much, that I used to take the Spark when I was studying or was going to take a test.

Anyways, if you care about what you put in your body, Advocare Spark is the solution for you. It gives vitamins, energy, and focus. And if you buy a canister, it ends up being $1.23 per serving. I invite you to try it, and I promise you will love it. The only advice I would give you, is to dissolve it in 16 oz of water and not 8 oz. I like it better like that.

To purchase the Spark, or simply know more about it, go to:

Friday, July 26, 2013

Advocare Results

Advocare Results

Many people are very skeptical about Advocare, and to be honest I don't blame them. I understand that the fact that the company is structured as an MLM and that a lot of people are solely interested in the business opportunity, make people wonder about the actual quality of their products. However, the truth is that even though the business opportunity that Advocare provides is excellent, the products are even better. When I first heard about Advocare, I was very skeptical and I didn't even think about trying any of their products until a friend gave me a sample of the Spark. After trying and researching on it, I decided to buy a pack. I heard that the results of taking Advocare products were going to be great, but I didn't really believe it. So without really thinking about the final results, I started taking Spark just because I loved the kind of energy and focus that it gave me, plus the fact that it was full of vitamins. Then, after seeing the results of Spark, I decided to try some other products. I started to use the Meal replacement Shake, the Nighttime Recovery, and the Catalyst. I felt the results right away. The products gave me energy and focus throughout the day, and I felt stronger during my workouts. Even my mood changed. The good thing about all these, is that it wasn't just that I started to feel great, I also started to look better. In less than 3 months my body drastically changed without feeling burned out, and I lost weight and gained muscle a the same time. The results were so great, that I couldn't help but becoming a member of Advocare. So seriously, believe me when I tell you that Advocare works, and that the results are amazing. I know some of you are thinking that you don't need any products at all to transform your body, and you might be right. However, Advocare not only gives you energy to workout even harder, but it also gives you all the vitamins and amino acids your body needs. It simply takes care of your body and boosts your transformation. So if you can do it without Advocare, imagine what you can do with it. Trust me when I tell you that the Advocare results are awesome. If you don't believe me, try it yourself, send me an email and I will send you a couple of spark samples. I guarantee you that you will love it!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to get fit and plan a workout program

plan a workout program

The first step you have to take in order to get fit and plan a workout program that will be effective, is to set goals. Setting goals when it comes to fitness is extremely important and for some reason, extremely underestimated as well. Your goals are going to determine the workout program that you need to follow. For instance, if your goal is to get fit in order to perform better in a specific sport, you are going to have a different workout plan than someone who's fitness goal is to lose weight. The same applies for someone who wants to get stronger and someone who wants to get leaner. Now, I am not saying that you cannot get stronger and get leaner at the same time. What I am saying is that in order for a workout plan to be effective, it has to  emphasize on achieving your specific goal. So, before you pick a workout plan, you have to ask yourself what your specific goals are. Do you want to loose weight and gain muscle? Do you want to get stronger and lift more weight than everyone else in your gym? Or do you want to perform better in a specific activity? Ask yourself what your goals are, and i guarantee you that this will help you plan an effective workout where you will see great results.


Hey everybody, welcome to Nutrition and Fitness for You!

This blog is for those who want to live healthy, look great, and become the best version of themselves. If you want that, then this blog is for you my friend, Welcome!
The two most important things to achieve these goals, are nutrition and exercise. These two complement each other, and will make you become the best version of yourself. So in this blog you are going to find guidance and advices on both. We are going to talk about how to exercise in an effective way with workouts that do not require any expensive equipment. We are also going to talk about what does it mean to have a proper nutrition, and what are the supplements that your body requires to grow stronger and healthier. Here, when we talk about supplements we talk about the best in the market, Advocare.
In my personal experience, Advocare gave me a huge help in the nutrition part of becoming a better version of myself, and by doing this, it allowed me to exercise better. I strongly believe that Advocare products are better than any other product in the market, and that they will give you the best results. I am not saying that they are the only products that could help you, but I know that they are the ones that will help the most.
So in this blog you will get advices on nutrition, advices on exercising, and information on Advocare products. And for those who are interested in making money, marketing, and are simply more business oriented people, I will inform you on how to become a distributor, and how to take advantage of the Advocare business opportunity. If you are not, then lets just get healthy and ripped now! lets get Advocare Now! Because Advocare Now is not only about the products, it is about helping you!

Products and Business opportunities are available here:

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