Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Executive Workout

The Executive Workout

Unfortunately, not everyone has a work schedule that allows them to get to the gym 4-5 times a week. If you are someone who travels a lot or works an insane amount of hours this is for you! Although it is a tough workout it is very simple. It is a two day a week workout comprised of five full body or multiple joint movement exercises, such as squat, deadlift, etc. For each exercise you choose a weight that at most you can do 6-8 reps. The goal for each exercise is to reach 25 reps. There are no time limits or rest period limits. Even if for one set you can only do two reps that is fine. Once you reach 25 reps, move on to the next exercise. An example of a good set of exercises are but not limited too….

  • Squat 
  • Push Press 
  • Bench Press 
  • Deadlift 
  • Weighted Pull Ups

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