Monday, January 13, 2014

What is the 24 Day Challenge? Does it Work?

Let me start by saying that the Challenge works, I did it about a year ago and loved the results. I haven't met anybody who has been disappointed with it. However, in order for the challenge to work you need to be committed and follow it rigorously, otherwise you are simply wasting your time and money. So, if you think you have what it takes to stay in track for 24 days, then I have no doubts in my mind that you will be happy by the 25th day. 

1. What is it?

It  is a comprehensive supplementation and nutrition program that will give your body the jumpstart it needs to help you reach your goals. whether your goal is to lose weight, gain energy, detox your body, or simply start a healthier lifestyle, the Challenge will fit you. The goal is that at the end of the challenge you not only look better but also feel better. Plus, the challenge is designed in such a way that if followed right, the results will keep showing even after the challenge is over. 

2. What is in it?

The Challenge is divided in two phases, from day 1-10 it is called the Cleanse Phase and from 11-24 is the Max Phase.

The Cleanse Phase has:
  • 1 box of Herbal Cleanse Citrus
  • 1 bottle of OmegaPlex
  • 1 bottle of Advocare Spark Mandarin/Orange
The Max Phase has:
  • 1 box of Advocare Spark Fruit Punch
  • 1 box of the Metabolic Nutrition System (MNS)- Max 3, C, or E
  • 1 box of Meal Replacement Shakes - Chocolate Mocha, Chocolate, Vanilla, Berry or Non-Diary Dark Chocolate.
The Challenge also comes with a Guide where everything is explained, and where you can keep track of the days and the meals.

3. Do I need a specific diet or workout plan?

No, and this is the beauty of it. You won't need to follow any crazy smoothy only diet or anything like that, you will simply be encouraged to have 3 moderate and healthy meals a day, along with 2 healthy snacks. Of course, the better and healthier you eat, the better the results will be. The same concept applies to working out, you will have better results if you do workout, however it is not required.

4. What is the Cleanse Phase?

The cleanse is extremely important because it helps your body get rid of all the toxins and impurities, and it prepares it to better absorb nutrients. In the cleanse Phase the average weigh loss is 8 pounds. The Advocare Cleanse Phase is not the kind of cleanse where you are required to drastically reduce calories or consume only liquids, instead you will be able to eat real food, and you won't have to spend most of your day in the bathroom. Do not worry, it is not that kind of cleanse. 

5. What is the Max Phase?

The Max Phase is all about fueling your body of the right nutrients, and let it absorb what it needs, while letting go of the "garbage." This is the fun part, because the MNS will make you feel energized and healthier than ever. Plus, you also get to try the Meal Replacement Shake which is DELICIOUS (all of them!)

6. What is the MNS?

During the Max Phase, you can choose from three Metabolic Nutrition Systems which all provide sustained energy, appetite control, core nutrition and overall wellness.
If you’re not sure which system to use, AdvoCare recommends beginning with MNS® Max 3, which provides you with a foundational level of appetite control and energy. For a higher level of appetite control you can choose MNS Max C, and for more energy you can choose MNS Max E.
All three formulations include: CorePlex (our multivitamin), OmegaPlex, ProBiotic Restore Ultra, thermogenic components and additional wellness supplements.
So, in other words, this is a boost of nutrients, vitamins and energy for your body and metabolism. 

7. How much weight can I lose?

The average weightloss is around 12 pounds. However this has a lot to do with how overweight you are. The real result is in the inches and in how you look afterwards. Here are some pictures of my results and friend of mine that did it with me.

8. Do I need to buy anything extra?

NO!! you do not need anything else. However Advocare recommends that you take either the Catalyst or the Thermoplus. I would encourage you to use the Catalyst if you are going to be working out (especially weightlifting) during the Challenge, and the Thermoplus if you have trouble controlling your portions. 

9. How do I get it?

You can get it at 
I definitely encourage you to do the challenge since it is great and healthy, however you can always choose to do only one phase. You decide!

10. Do you know someone that would do it with you?

If that is the case, you should consider signing as a distributor. If you sign up as a distributor (for only $80), you will get an automatic 20% discount that could go up to 40%. In addition to that, Advocare will create a website for you where you could not only purchase the products but also sell them for a profit equal to your discount. 
So think about it, it is only $80 to sign of which you get $50 worth of products (included a box of Spark and a box of Slam). On top of that you get a 20% discount immediately, which would make the price of the Challenge drop 20%. And if you know someone who wants to do it with you and he gets it from your website, you will receive another 20% as profit. So you would pretty much
To become a Distributor click HERE

I hope this was helpful, I really encourage everyone no matter what your level of fitness is to do the challenge. Please comment asking me any questions you want and telling me if this was a helpful post. I would like to hear about your own experience with the challenge as well

Saturday, January 11, 2014


Allright everyone, so the 24-day challenge is on sale right now. Advocare has decided to reward everyone who has decided to start this year with goals of getting healthier and fitter with a sale on the 24 Day Challenge that will only last until the 21st of January. This means that ALL 24 -Day Challenges will be discounted to $175 intend of $200 until January 21.

I am taking advantage of this sale as well, and I am starting the 24 Day challenge this monday. I will keep you all posted with my personal results, and please do not hesitate in sharing yours with me. I encourage you to get the challenge while the sale lasts and start this year on a healthier note. Plus, we all want to lose the pounds we gain over the holidays.

you can get the Challenge at

If you have any questions or if you need help with diet or workout plan, email me or comment below.

Ps: The first 3 people to purchase the challenge from will get a shirt

Monday, October 28, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Free shirt

The next 5 people who buys something from will receive this shirt for FREE, so come on guys!!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Make money, Come To the Business Opportunity Meeting

Everybody in Naples FL, this is a big opportunity for you to understand how Advocare works. There will be a big meeting tomorrow night at 7pm at the Hilton in Naples. The admission is free, and there will be free SPARK. Come in and see how You can make a lot of money with Advocare 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Advocare Weightloss

Nowadays, most people struggle with their weight. Whether it is 10, 30, or just those last few pounds, most people want to change the way they look. This desire have made people turn to supplements that boosts and assists their bodies in the weight-loss journey, making it easier and more effective. However, most of the products in the market are very unhealthy, and although effective, the unhealthy nature of the products makes them have short term effects, dependability, and counter-indications. To give a solution to this problem, Advocare created a line called the Trim Line. This line have products that can  make anyone achieve their goals. Most importantly, since it is Advocare and they are part of the Informed Choice Program, the quality of the products is guaranteed. Numerous products such as the Carb-ease, the Thermoplus, and the MNSs, are effective to lose weight without jeopardizing your health. Instead of being full of caffein and amphetamines, they are fueled with vitamins and amino-acids. They also have a very minimal dose of caffeine, 0 sugar, and very low caloric content. And the greatest thing about all these, is the fact that they are targeted to different need. whether you struggle with appetite control, with energy levels, with carb intake, or even impurities in general, Advocare has a product just for you. In addition to that, they also carry what it is called the 24-Day Challenge, which is by far the best way to lose weight in the market. I strongly suggest you to check if you are interested in the products, and leave me a comment here if you have any questions. 

Here are some of my favorite products in the Trim Line:

- Thermoplus: vitamin and herbal dietary supplement, great to control appetite and boost metabolism.
- Carb-ease: Inhibit breakdown and absorption of carbs. Great for cheat meals.
- Catalyst: Amino-acid source. Protect and feeds the muscles so you only loose fat.
- MNS: Comprehensive weight management system, while giving you max nutrition.
- 24-Day Challenge: check it yourself                    

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Big muscles vs Stable Functional Muscles

Many avid gym goers focus on strengthening the larger muscle groups in their body, and solely do lifts that are stationary or that don’t require the body to work together as a complete unit. The majority of these people lack of muscle balance and muscle stability. Therefore, although they may seem strong by lifting heavy weights, they are weak when it comes to functional movements. For example, if someone you know has a very high bench max but a low squat max, no matter how big he/she looks, that person will not be strong when it comes to perform some movements such as pushing. Simply because pushing is a functional movement that engages many muscles in your body and requires a strong base and core. 

The basis behind all of these is stability. I know everyone wants to have the biggest arms in the gym, show off how much they can lift, and not be the one doing the small “wimpy” exercises that focus on the small muscles. However, people shouldn’t care about what others think, since having big muscles and not being able to do anything in real life with them is simply pointless. People should focus more on building strong, functional muscles. Therefore, go ahead and focus on multiple joint exercises, and try to involve as many muscle groups as you can in a single exercise. This does not mean that you have to do weird exercises, you just have to be a little creative and apply this philosophy in basic exercises. For example, I personally hold my legs straight out when I bench. This works my abs which in return isolates my chest and prevent me from cheating. Therefore, it not only engages other muscles, but it also make the muscle that I am trying to work, even stronger. There are many other ways to incorporate these philosophy into your workout. Moreover, when doing these, it is important to focus more on your legs and core than anything else. Have you ever heard someone say “use your abs” when trying to balance? Well that is because it is the center of your body and in order to be able to balance, your core needs to be strong.

Although I will not get into specific workouts, I encourage you to make some small steps by searching or creating ways to enhance each exercise you do by involving your body. Focus in stabilization, even if it means using light weights. In the long run it will be worth it! Stability is strength. Being athletic and having functional muscles, is far better than just having big useless muscles.