Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Best energy drink? Advocare Spark Review

Advocare against competition

Nowadays you can find energy drinks pretty much everywhere you go. They come in different flavors, sizes and prices, and people seem to love them all. The idea of drinking something that will wake you up and give you the necessary energy to workout or simply get through your day, is just great. However, many of these drinks are loaded with sugar, caffeine, taurine, calories, and carbohydrates. And even if the drinks are great and do the job, it just doesn't seem healthy to drink them. Well, that is where Advocare Spark steps in. I have not tried a healthier and more effective energy drink out there. It is fuel with more vitamins than any other energy drink, less caffeine and taurine than most, and it is only 45 calories. In my home, my wife was a huge fan of the Monster Energy Drink and was stubborn about trying any other energy drink. She thought no other energy drink could give her the same energy. Well, I made her try the Spark, and she loved it. It waked her up even faster than the Monster, it didn't give her the jitters, and it made her feel focus an energized for hours. Spark is sugar-free, it has more than 20 vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and it is only 45 calories. Most importantly, unlike the other energy drinks, Spark displays all the nutritional facts you want to know in their canister and pouches.

The way it works is pretty easy, the caffeine and the taurine gives you the fast energy kick that you are looking for, while the B vitamins give you the long-lasting energy by enhancing your body's ability to produce and sustain energy. They also enhance the metabolism and makes your body use the calories stored for energy. Finally, Spark also gives you mental focus with the neuro-active amino acids (like L-tyrosine) it contains. These amino acids support your brain's ability to receive and send messages to and from the nervous system. Some of them also serve as precursors for neurotransmitters. So, in simple words, Spark gives you a lot of vitamins, quick energy, long lasting energy, and mental focus.


Besides all these, there are some other things about the Spark that makes it better than the rest. I personally love the fact that it is not carbonated because it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable when I take it before working out. I also like the fact that it doesn't make me feel jittery, and since it is so full of vitamins, it doesn't make me feel a strong crash when the effects are over. The fact that it is dissolved in water is great too, since it doesn't give the feeling of a sticky and dry mouth, and it makes it easier for the body to absorb the vitamins. At last, I love the energy and focus that it gives. It is just amazing how focussed it makes me feel, so much, that I used to take the Spark when I was studying or was going to take a test.

Anyways, if you care about what you put in your body, Advocare Spark is the solution for you. It gives vitamins, energy, and focus. And if you buy a canister, it ends up being $1.23 per serving. I invite you to try it, and I promise you will love it. The only advice I would give you, is to dissolve it in 16 oz of water and not 8 oz. I like it better like that.

To purchase the Spark, or simply know more about it, go to:

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