Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How to get fit and plan a workout program

plan a workout program

The first step you have to take in order to get fit and plan a workout program that will be effective, is to set goals. Setting goals when it comes to fitness is extremely important and for some reason, extremely underestimated as well. Your goals are going to determine the workout program that you need to follow. For instance, if your goal is to get fit in order to perform better in a specific sport, you are going to have a different workout plan than someone who's fitness goal is to lose weight. The same applies for someone who wants to get stronger and someone who wants to get leaner. Now, I am not saying that you cannot get stronger and get leaner at the same time. What I am saying is that in order for a workout plan to be effective, it has to  emphasize on achieving your specific goal. So, before you pick a workout plan, you have to ask yourself what your specific goals are. Do you want to loose weight and gain muscle? Do you want to get stronger and lift more weight than everyone else in your gym? Or do you want to perform better in a specific activity? Ask yourself what your goals are, and i guarantee you that this will help you plan an effective workout where you will see great results.

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