Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Best Way To Workout For You

As we discussed in a previous post, setting your fitness goals is the first and most important step in choosing a workout plan. Its importance lies in the fact that for a workout to be effective and give you the results that you are looking for, it must be gear towards achieving your specific goals. So here I'm going to give you the general rules you need to follow in your workout plan in order to achieve whatever goals you are looking for.

1. If what you want is to do strength training (get stronger and lift heavier weights):

  • Lift heavy, around 85% to 95% of your max
  • Take long rests between sets, between 2-4 minutes to fully recuperate
  • Do no more than 5 repetitions
  • Do between 4-6 sets 
  • Around 3 times a week
These rules will also make your muscles grow. However, their main focus is on strength.

2. If you are doing hypertrophy training (have big and defined muscles like a bodybuilder):

  • The key here is to put the muscle under a lot of time under tension. Therefore the repetitions must be slow and controlled
  • The weight must only be about 75% of your max
  • Do from 10-15 repetitions
  • Do between 2-3 sets
  • Do not allow yourself more than 90 sec rest in between sets 
  • Give each muscle around 4 day to recuperate
These rules are focussed in building bigger and leaner muscles. Due to the high volume of repetition, it will make your body burn more calories. 

3. If what you want is to loose weight:
  • Very low weight, less than 50% of your max
  • More than 15 repetitions
  • Less than 60 seconds rest intervals
  • Do more than 5 times a week

There you go people, apply these to your workout plans, and reach those goals that you want to reach.

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