There are certain exercises that every man should be able to do period, but even more so if he is considering spending money in any kind of fitness activity. There is absolutely no need to invest money in a gym membership if you are not able to do the exercises that you will see in the list, simply because there is no need to get fancy with weights and accessories before you can even handle and master certain movements that involve your body weight. It is extremely important for everyone to be fully aware of their bodies, and to fully control and dominate their own weight. These ability and awareness will give you a strong foundation and athleticism. Therefore, don't waste your money in a gym membership to get as strong and as fit as you could get for FREE. That way, when you do master these exercises and go to a gym, you will really take advantage of the accessories and different tools that a gym has to offer. You will really get your money worth because from that point on, you will develop in a way that you would no be able to develop outside the gym (at least for free). But before that, it simply doesn't make sense to go to a gym and waste your money getting to the same level of strength that could be getting for FREE. Anyways, these are the exercises that every man should do before entering a gym:
1. Jogging, for at least 15 mins
Every man should be able to jog for at least 15 minutes. If you are not able to jog for 15 minutes, instead of looking for a gym membership, get yourself a nice pair of sneakers and start jogging. Try jogging 5 minutes first and add 2 minutes every week. If you aren't able to jog 5 minutes at a time, then jog for 1 minute and walk for 30 seconds and repeat these for at least 6 times. Then increase those times every week. Jogging will help you with your stamina, your cardio, and your weight.
2. Push-Ups, at least 20 reps
Everyman should be able to do at least 20 push-ups in a row. If your are not able to do these, start doing some push-ups my friend. Start with as many as you can, and when you can't do any more, drop your knees to the ground and do 5 more. Push-ups will strengthen your chest, your back, your bicep, your triceps, and your core.
3. Chin-Ups, at least 10
Every man should be able to do at least 10 chin-ups. This exercise will strengthen your biceps, chest, shoulders, and core. If you have difficulties, jump to a position where your chin is above the bar, and go down as slowly as you can. This will make you stronger.
4. Pull-Ups, at least 8
Chin-Ups is my personal favorite exercise. It is good for your biceps, triceps, chest, back, shoulders, forearms, and core. If you can't do it, do the same thing as the chin-ups.
5. Dips, at least 10
Every man should be able to do 10 dips in a row. It is a great exercise for the triceps, the chest, and the core. If you can't do dips, do the same thing as with the pull-ups and chin-ups.
6. Squats, at least 10
You thought I was going to forget about the lower body, well I did not. Every man should be able to do 10 squats. If you can't, do as many as you can at least 3 times a week, and that number will increase in a couple weeks.
Every man should do these 6 exercises before entering a gym. It is important to be aware and to dominate your own body-weight. These exercises will make you stronger, bigger, and leaner, without lifting a single weight. Therefore there is no need for you to pay a gym membership to get as strong as you could be getting for free in a park or in your own house.