Friday, August 2, 2013

Drink more water to get fit!

2 questions for you:

- Do you drink water?
- How much water do you drink?

Listen people, if you don't drink water don't even bother worrying about dieting, working out, loosing weight, building muscle, taking supplements, or anything related to health. Instead, just start drinking water now. Drinking water is as important as breathing, but for some reason we tend to forget about the fluid that constitute more than 60% of our bodies. People have replaced water with all kinds of juices, coffees, energy drinks, and sodas. No wonder why there are so many diabetic, dehydrated, and obese people out there. 
Don't get me wrong, I understand that a coffee wakes you up in the morning far more effectively than a cup of water, and that a Coke or an Orange juice tastes much better than a water bottle. But come on! you are just putting caffeine and sugar in your body. These drinks will dehydrate you and make you weaker, while drinking water would improve your energy and focus, boost your metabolism, flush out the toxins in your body, improve your skin, reduce your risk of heart attack, and more. I could write a book listing all the benefits of drinking water, so do yourself a favor and drink some water right now. And if you diet or workout, you need to drink even more water. People that are trying to achieve fitness goals, whether it is to gain muscle, lose fat, or perform better, are constantly pushing their bodies and therefore need better care than people that aren't. Without drinking the proper amount of water, you will not be able to build muscle and burn fat efficiently. Moreover, if you are not properly hydrated your blood volume will decrease, which will cause a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles and consequently make you feel tired, which would affect your performance. Water also assists your muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints, which reduces soreness. Therefore, water will help you gain muscle, lose weight, and improve your performance. 
Seriously, just drink more water and you will automatically see positive results in and out of the weight room.

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