Monday, August 5, 2013

Best fitness channels in YouTube

If you like working out, getting ripped, and receiving advices from guys that speak the truth and share their experiences, you should subscribe to these channels. These people are not afraid to tell you the truth about gyms, supplements, and traditional weight training. Even tho they are not all experts and academics in the fitness realm, they share their experiences and tell you what worked for them (and the results are evident). I respect each one of them, and I watch their videos every day. They are all extremely motivating and inspirational.

Here we go:

1. Elliott Hulse's Strength Training Channel
    Elliott Hulse is the man! If you want to learn about strength training, the different layers of strength, and how to breath into your balls, this is a channel that you must follow. He knows what he is talking about, he is a Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist, Nationally Ranked Strongman, Holistic Lifestyle Coach and owner of Strength Camp, a Sports Training and Fitness Boot Camp service in St. Petersburg Florida.

2. Scooby's Home Bodybuilding and Fitness Workouts

    Scooby was born in 1961 and he looks better than you and I. He tells you things as they are, and have no problem calling out the fitness and supplements products that claim to work without you putting any effort. He covers everything in fitness, and he can help you whether you are a beginner or an everyday athlete.

3. Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts

    Mike Chang gives great tips on nutrition and working out. Plus, the guy seems to be such a nice guy.

4. To Help You, Make A Better You

    The Barstarzz are incredible, these guys do the craziest things. And they do it all in a playground or at the beach. 

5. CT Fletcher

    CT Fletcher has no patient for excuses or anything of that sort. He is a veteran, and has been 3 time world champion in benching and curling. This channel will pump you up!

6. Mike Rashid

    If you want to see some crazy workouts that incorporates power, strength, and endurance, this is your channel.

7. CrossFit

    I don't do CrossFit, but you have to respect the sport. Those guys do crazy workouts and put their bodies to the limit. It is definitely interesting to watch, and there is a lot of workout ideas to take from this channel. 

So there you go guys, these are the top 7 channels to follow in Youtube. 


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