Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips To Get Bigger and Leaner

I'm going to give you some tips on maximizing your gains at the gym. These are just some simple advices that will make your muscles look bigger and leaner in a matter of weeks without using any supplement.

1. More Reps, Even if it means less weight
    You have to put your pride aside and do more repetitions per exercise even if it means to lower the weight. If you want your muscles to be bigger and leaner, you need to focus on putting them through time under tension, and the way to do this, is by increasing your reps to at least 12+, even if that means lowering the weight to a 75% of your max. Another important thing, is to only rest 1 minute between sets. 

2. Rest each body part at least 4 days.
    Rest is where the muscle is actually growing. So it is necessary  for each body part to rest for at least 4 days in order to recuperate and regenerate itself appropriately. Believe me, if you are working each body part with more than 12 repetitions per set, you will need those 4 days to recuperate. 

3. Get Lean
    Getting lean will give your muscle more definition, and it will make them look more vascular, which gives the illusion of a bigger muscle.

4. Do drop sets
    Going back to time under tension. Drop sets are great, and they should be incorporated in the last set of every exercise. They will make you burn more calories, boost your metabolism, and get bigger and leaner muscles.

5. Eat Clean
    I dont care if you are in a bulking phase or in a cutting phase, everyone should always eat clean. Nutrition is extremely important in transforming our bodies, and the mistake that many people do, is that they eat unhealthy during their bulking phase, which simply makes them gain fat. The problem with this is that when the cutting phase comes, they loose all the weight back. I invite you to eat clean since the beginning and actually gain muscle. It will take a little longer, but it is worth it.

6. Boost your metabolism
     We need to constantly boost our metabolism if we want to burn more calories and to have more energy throughout the day. One of the simplest ways to boost our metabolism is by drinking lots of water, and eating at least every 4 hours. this will make your body burn more fat, and maintain muscle.

I hope these was helpful, and let me know if you have any questions. 

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